Mark and Matt's Chili Trek
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Restaurant NameSteak N Shake
Address3892 Baldwin Road
City, State ZIPAuburn Hills, MI 48326
GPS Coordinates LAT 42.697103 LONG -83.306620

Restaurant AtmosphereDiner
Chili HeatNone
Chili FlavorSome
Chili TextureThick
Chili Prices
Chili Fixin'sCheck out the chili menu at the website

Comments by Mark Everest
Rating: 1
Jerry, who works with Matt and me is the resident accountant, gave high praises to Steak N Shake's chili. Even though Jerry wasn't impressed with Dandee Donuts chili, I went to Steak N Shake on his recommendation anyway.

One look at the menu and I was exited to try their chili. They have several ways to serve their 'chili' (yes, it's in quotes for a reason). Check out the Chili 5-way: Spaghetti topped with Genuine Chili, extra chili beef, our special sauce, chopped onion, Cheddar and Monterey Jack cheeses. The opening line describing their Genuine Chili states: "Our chili is your destiny". Oh boy, they obviously love their chili as much as Jerry does. Set me up.

I have been duped again! To recreate their special Genuine 'chili' do this: fill a cup 3/4 full of kidney beans, add a few chunks of beef, and top of with coney dog sauce. That's right, CONEY DOG SAUCE! Why don't people realize that coney dog sauce is a sauce. A condiment. Not chili.

I tried to take a little bit out to put on my fries but I couldn't because there were so many beans in. It's actually hard to eat because your mouth becomes full of kidney bean paste. It wasn't very pleasant.

Being a bean-counter, I can understand why Jerry would be so fond of this 'chili'. I honestly can't see any other reason.

Visitor Comments on Steak N Shake
TomNever go to Steak and Shake......NEVER!
I find that place to be utterly repulsive. I ate there once and let 70% of my food sit on my plate uneaten (that included a rancid bowl of chili).

I will go to White Castle, knowing full well that will be followed by vomitting, before I go back to Steak n' Shake for food. I hear their "shakes" are really good; but I have yet to confirm this. In the meantime I will avoid.

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