Mark and Matt's Chili Trek
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Restaurant NameRed, Hot and Blue
Address25750 Novi Rd
City, State ZIPNovi, MI 48375
Phone248 374 8440
GPS CoordinatesN 42deg28.653 W 0832deg28.442 LAT 42.47755 LONG -83.47403

Restaurant AtmosphereSit down restaurant
Chili HeatSpicy
Chili FlavorTasty
Chili TextureAverage
Chili PricesCup $3.49, Bowl $4.99
Chili Fixin'sFresh onion, cheese and sour cream included. Bowl nicely garnished with some thick tortilla chips as well.

Comments by Matt Fuerst
Rating: 8
Mark did a little pre-scouting on Red, Hot and Blue and deemed it worthy of an official Chili Trek visitation. Red, Hot and Blue is a smaller chain across the US that specializes in barbeque. They have to have some zip to their chili, right?

The excitement stars early at Red, Hot and Blue since the beverage of your choice is served to you in a mini-pitcher. Yeah, you get a good 60 ounces of whatever you choose to quench your thirst. Obviously these people mean business and have some hot, spicy items on their menu, right?

Me and Mark both ordered a bowl of chili and decided to split a platter of 10 wing dings. There were no real upgrades available with the chili, everything you could want on it is included, which I appreciate. It was also the first place that I've visted that offered sour cream as a chili topping, which is something I add to my chili at home and appreciate out and about.

Wing Dings arrived and were decent, but not great. In spite of being at a barbeque place, I don't really enjoy barbequed meats, and the wing dings definetly had more of a barbeque flavor than a traditional hot wing type flavor. Still they were fine and nothing I can really complain about given my distaste of barbeque.

Finally, the moment of truth. Chili touchdown. Red, Hot and Blue easily has the best chili presentation ever. A mammoth bowl, surrounded by stiff tortilla type chips. A generous dollop of sour cream, onions and cheese garnishing the chili. The chili itself is good to look at with large chunks of real beef briscuit, big tomato chunks and fresh veggies and beans. Yes!

... And the flavor is there too. The briscuit is prepared beforehand and has a unique smokey flavor to it. It really adds something to the chili unlike what I've ever experienced before. There is a good amount of spice in the chili, but still not really enough to satisfy me. The only downfall of the day was that it was obvious my chili had sat under the heat lamp too long, or not been heated enough before being dished out. By the time it reached the table it was bordering on cold. Sigh.

Overall, a very good bowl of chili. I am going to rate Red, Hot and Blue's chili higher than the actual bowl of chili I received. The bowl I received was probably a 6 or 7 due to the extreme lack of heat, but I know properly heated this is an 8 chili bowl.
Comments by Mark Everest
Rating: 8
The first time I went to Red Hot and Blue, I found out about their beef chili on accident. Their menu describes a SW chicken chili that sounds awesome but had a little 'Coming Soon' sticker over it. I asked the waitress if it was 'Soon' yet and she said "no be we do have a beef chili'. She recommended it and explained that when they perfected the recipe for the SW chicken chili, their beef chili would go into the soup of the day rotation.

This trip with Matt was my second time ordering their beef chili. I'm going to rank the chili based on the first trip because the temp was hot and the service was much faster.

The picture of the chili on this page shows that they really think their chili is something special. The very large bowl with dipping chips around the rim and the pepper on top makes for a nice presentation.

We ordered wings but that wasn't necessary due to amount of chili in the bowl. It's definitely a meal on it's own. There are big chunks of beef in there. Not just hamburger - real beef roast pieces. There are plenty of beans and chunks of veggies to really thicken it up. The flavor is unique and pretty good. Not much heat right out of the kitchen but there are bottles of sauce on the table to put some zap where it belongs. The only downside was this time the chili was not hot at all. The first time I had it, the cheese was very melted and made everything taste that much better.

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