Restaurant Name | 4 Towns Coney Cafe |
Address | 5550 Cooley Lake Rd |
City, State ZIP | Waterford, MI 48327 |
Phone | 248 738 6060 |
Website | |
GPS Coordinates | LAT 42.627264 LONG -83.395150 |
Restaurant Atmosphere | Diner / Coney joint |
Chili Heat | None |
Chili Flavor | None |
Chili Texture | Soupy |
Chili Prices | $2.00 for a cup, $2.50 for a bowl |
Chili Fixin's | Package of oyster crackers |
Comments by Matt Fuerst Rating: 1 | Coney Sauce. I'll just get that out of the way now. And those two words are all you need to read to know my rating: 1. A big fat uno. But I mean as well spin a yard since you spent the time clicking on the link.. We are really trying for our readers to branch out to new restaurants instead of hitting the same old haunts (Freddie's is so close and so tempting... hmm.. delicious Freddie's.) It's even harder now, since it's April and a lot of weak-willed restaurants won't serve chili in the "nice" weather, so our already slim selection is smaller yet through the next few months of warmth. We decided to zip past Freddie's and see what other restaurants we could find. We happened upon 4 Towns Coney Cafe. We weren't expecting a lot, every coney joint thus far has served a bowl of coney sauce and had the audacity to call it chili, but I pitched it to Mark that the Chili Trek is bigger than us and the momentary happiness a bowl of fine chili brings us, we must suffer for our readers. We sat down and Mark was bold enough to drop the "So, you serving coney sauce as chili" to which the waitress cheerily replied in the negative. I'll hit pause a moment to reflect on the wave of disappointment that washed over us, but then again how can you be disappointed when you were totally expecting to be disappointed? I proceeded to be a good little solider and, as they say, jumped on the gernade. I ordered a cup of chili. Mark, your co-host, totally pussed out and ordered some coneys and avoided the "chili". And yeah, it was totally awful. The coneys weren't all that great either, and the service was a bit pokey. There was some totally awesome mutants present in the restaurant though, but by 12:30 the place was getting pretty thick with weirdos and I was ready to bug out of there before the spitball contest began. |
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