Restaurant Name | Blimpie's Subs and Salads |
Address | 2495 Livernois Rd |
City, State ZIP | Troy, MI 48083 |
Phone | 248 362 0906 |
Website | |
GPS Coordinates | LAT 42.556731 LONG -83.147407 |
Restaurant Atmosphere | Quick Sub Sandwich Place |
Chili Heat | None |
Chili Flavor | Some |
Chili Texture | Average |
Chili Prices | $2.09 for a cup, $2.99 for a sllightly bigger bowl |
Chili Fixin's | Side of crackers |
Comments by Matt Fuerst Rating: 4 | I attend class one night a week, and my school is about a solid 45 minute drive from my work. Leaving work at 5 to attend class at 6 means I don't get much of a chance to eat dinner, but I decided to throw caution to the wind this past week and grab a sub before class from the nearby Blimpie's. If you're not familiar with Blimpie's it's a chain sub shop, similar to Subway. In general I actually like Blimpie's subs better than Subway, they're just not as prevelant where I live. Anyway, the soup du jour was Grande Chili... I had not set out on a Chili Trek, but sometimes, the Chili Trek comes to you. I ordered up a cup and prepared for the journey.... Overall, not a bad fast food chili. It definetly wasn't coney sauce, so that's the first major hurdle. Ingredients consisted of some very small beans, finely ground hamburger (too fine in my opinion), tomatoes and the base. There was a little spice present but not a lot. The odd part of the chili is that there was some flavor of what I imagine was a thickening agent of some sort. A flour or something that I bet they use to make the chili a bit thicker than their normal soups. The thickening agent left a bit of a coating in my mouth with each bite, which was kind of a bummer. I can't strongly recommend you get the chili even if you happen to find yourself at a Blimpie's. It's not bad if you're hard up but don't want to go for a full foot long sub, but then again at over 2 bones for a smallish cup it's kind of pricey. Still, I've had worse. |
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